Welcome to The Soaring Engine

A new resource for soaring pilots

Written by European Silver Medal winner G Dale

The Soaring Engine is a series of text books that explain how the sky produces the energy that pilots can exploit to fly cross country. Volumes one and two cover the various forms of lift: ridge, thermal, wave and convergence, and how best to use them in flat land or mountain environments. Volume one is also available in German. Volume three is all about the pilot: what he or she needs to know and how best to manage the personal resources that are so necessary for sporting success. Volume four is a primer for pilots who are learning to operate the exquisite but complex high performance sailplanes that are now available.

With hundreds of simple clear diagrams and a consistent page layout that delivers the information in bite-sized chunks this series is a straightforward guide for any pilot interested in how the sky works and how to use it.

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German Version
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The Soaring Engine

About 6,000 copies printed so far, over 5.5k sold!


Cabin 138
Lasham Airfield
The Avenue
GU34 5SS